How to Manage the CRF

Creating a CRF from the Manage CRF Menu:

  • Access the side menu and locate the option labeled “Manage CRF.”
  • This will open a dedicated page for managing CRFs.
  • User can click on the existing eCRF and user will be able to edit the same CRF From the Manage eCRF CTA

General CRF Creation Process:

    1. Study Selection: Regardless of the chosen method above, the first step involves selecting the study for which you’re creating the CRF. A dropdown menu or selection list will likely be presented with available studies.
    2. CRF Title: Assign a clear and descriptive title to your CRF. This title should accurately reflect the purpose of the form and the data it collects.
    3. Sections and Form Elements:
    • A CRF is typically divided into multiple sections for better organization. Each section will contain its own form elements, which are the actual questions participants will answer.
    • You’ll likely find functionalities to add, edit, and delete sections within your CRF.
    • Within each section, you’ll define the form elements. The system will offer various question types, possibly including:
      • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
      • Open-ended Text Questions
      • Date Pickers
      • Dropdown Menus (with user-defined options) etc
    • The system might utilize a drag-and-drop interface to easily add and arrange the desired question types within each section.

4. Follow-up Questions : This feature allows you to create additional questions that only appear based on a participant’s answer to a previous question.