Scheduling of a CRF


  • You must have an active user account with the appropriate permissions to schedule CRFs.
  • A study and its associated sites must already be created within the system.

Scheduling a CRF:

  1. Access the Dashboard: Navigate to the main dashboard within Medilake.
  2. Select a Study: Locate the study you want to schedule a CRF for. You can browse the list or use search filters
  3. Open Site Selection: Click on the chosen study to open the site selection screen.
  4. Schedule Using Three-Dot Menu: Locate the desired site from the list. Click on the three-dot menu associated with that specific site.
  5. Choose “Schedule CRF”: From the menu options, select “Schedule CRF.”
  6. Single or Multiple Sites: A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to choose how you want to schedule the CRF.
    • Single Site: Select this option if you want to schedule the CRF for the currently chosen site only.
    • Multiple Sites: Choose this option if you want to schedule the CRF for multiple sites within the study. A separate window will appear for you to select the additional sites. (This section may vary depending on the platform’s functionality.)
  7. Select Time/Slot: Choose the date and time slot(s) for the CRF administration. You can schedule the CRF multiple times a day as needed.
  8. Review and Save: Once you’ve selected the sites and time slots, review the details to ensure accuracy. Click the “Save” button to confirm the CRF schedule.